Syzygy Dance Project thanks our generous community of donors, supporters, board of directors, teachers and assistants, outreach sites around the Bay Area, Open Floor, our Bay Area dance community, and many others who make all this possible.
6 Ways YOU Can Donate to Syzygy Dance Project1. Employee Match & Corporate Giving
If your employer matches donations for nonprofits, Syzygy Dance Project would be a grateful recipient. If you're not sure, search in this database! Also, if you are part of or know of a company that can support us, we would love to hear from you. We have been fortunate to receive matching gifts from the following companies thus far:
2. Donating Stocks & Mutual Fund SharesWe accept donations of commonly held, publicly traded stocks. It’s giving made easy. You can donate stock either by electronic or certificate transfer. Please email info(at)syzygydanceproject(dot)org for more details. 3. iGive! - INTO GivingInstall the iGive button on your computer, or the iGive App for iPhone, iPad or Android and every time you shop (at 1200 online stores including Amazon, Best Buy and Travelocity) they’ll donate to Syzygy Dance Project. 4. Vehicle Donations5. Create a LegacyConsider naming Syzygy Dance Project in your will or estate plan. You don’t need to have a large estate to leave a legacy gift. Large or small, legacy gifts can benefit your family and the non-profit beneficiaries you name. Adding Syzygy Dance Project as a beneficiary in your will (called a “bequest”) is easy to arrange. The bequest remains in your control: you can structure the bequest to leave a specific item/amount, leave a percentage of your estate to Syzygy Dance Project, or even make the gift contingent on certain events. The process does not need to be complicated—at the very simplest, a signed piece of paper naming Syzygy Dance Project as beneficiary of a percentage of your estate. Find full details on the process here. Here is some language that you may include depending on how you want to structure the bequest. Once your Syzygy Dance Project designation is complete, don’t forget to notify us! • A Fixed Amount of Money or Designated Property “I give and bequeath to Syzygy Dance Project, a California nonprofit organization located in Sausalito, California, [dollar amount]” [or describe the real or personal property, including exact location]. • A Percentage of the Estate “I give and bequeath to Syzygy Dance Project, a California nonprofit organization located in Sausalito, California, [percentage] of my estate.” • A Residual Bequest “All the residue of my estate, including real and personal property, I give and bequeath to Syzygy Dance Project, a California nonprofit organization located in Sausalito, California.” • A Contingent Bequest “If [primary beneficiary name] does not survive me, then I hereby give and bequeath to Syzygy Dance Project, a California nonprofit organization located in Sausalito, California, [description of property] to be used for Syzygy Dance Project’s general use and purpose.” 6. Make a One Time or Recurring Monetary DonationPlease visit our Charitable Donation page to make a monetary donation now. Financial donations of any size help fund our mission to bring dance to underserved communities. |