The upcoming Ring of Fire eclipse on Saturday offers us a gentle nudge to persevere amid darkness. In a world of heart-wrenching events, this celestial phenomenon hints that even in the darkest hour, there's the promise of light to follow. Eclipses, like life's challenges, plunge us into moments of obscurity. As the moon covers the sun, it reflects our own struggles with darkness as it moves through to clarity. Just as Dr. Norm Shealy, a pioneer in holistic medicine, tells us that each of us holds a 'Ring of Fire' within our bodies – a source of inner strength – we too possess the ability to emerge from the darkness, just like the cosmic Ring of Fire. In the face of these troubling times, let us use this eclipse energy (whether you are where you can see it or not) as a reminder that darkness is only an absence of Light. We can bring our light from within into the world and spread peace and grace far and wide. Let’s dance and pray on Saturday for those who cannot. Love, Sylvie and the SDP Team OCT SWEAT YOUR PRAYERS CLASS DETAILS
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ABOUT SDPSyzygy Dance Project (SDP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that transforms lives through dance movement. We offer regular dance classes to the public and outreach dance classes for inmates, veterans, recovering addicts, chronically ill patients, and the elderly. INQUIRIES