Tonight's full Harvest Moon marks a time of culmination and shifting seasons. This lunar phenomenon has long captivated cultures worldwide, inspiring many customs and rituals celebrating nature’s abundance. The aura of the Harvest Moon emerges as a potent luminary, signaling the transition from the fading embrace of summer to the imminent vibrations that autumn brings. In our 5Rhythms practice, we often honor the cycles of nature and the changing seasons by recognizing the profound connection between our spirits and the earth’s cycles. We open the Shapeshifting workshop in Tucson, Arizona, this weekend by dancing with this Harvest Moon. Let the Harvest Moon inspire you to embrace nature's rhythms and connect to the world around you, whether it's a quiet walk under the moonlight or a dance of your own. Dancing in the light of the Harvest Moon, Sylvie and the SDP Team Comments are closed.
ABOUT SDPSyzygy Dance Project (SDP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that transforms lives through dance movement. We offer regular dance classes to the public and outreach dance classes for inmates, veterans, recovering addicts, chronically ill patients, and the elderly. INQUIRIES