![]() In a rare planetary positioning, Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter will align together (the meaning of syzygy) with this week's full 'pink' moon illuminating the night sky on Saturday, just as the shifting of the sun and moon determine the Jewish feast of Passover and the Christian celebration of Easter. Syzygy causes the bimonthly phenomena of spring and neap tides. At the new and full moon, the Sun and Moon are in syzygy. Their tidal forces act to reinforce each other, and the ocean both rises higher and falls lower than the average. (Wikipedia) We use “syzygy” in our practice as the alignment of body, mind, and spirit. Celestial events are an opportunity to align our energies with the forces of the universe. Research has studied the synchronies between lunar orbital cycles and our mood cycles to support the possibility that the lunar cycles entrained or even generate certain mood cycles. Connecting and being aware during syzygy events help us understand our powerful connection with the universe and the natural world that surrounds us. April’s full moon is the first full moon after the spring equinox and has always served as a sign of Spring to Native Americans—a time to leave our winter separation and re-establish our bond between ourselves, the Earth, the sky, and the energies of nature around us. A time for syzygy. “Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your being.” — Rumi With love, Sylvie and the SDP Team ABOUT SYLVIE MINOT![]() Sylvie Minot received her BA in Dance from San Jose State University and is a certified 5Rhythms® Teacher who was also trained in the Heartbeat (emotional) map by Gabrielle Roth. Sylvie has studied psychology, indigenous healing rituals, energy medicine, and sound healing and is inspired by the teachings of Angeles Arrien, Caroline Myss, and Tito La Rosa. Since 2000, Sylvie has taught weekly dance classes and workshops for a variety of populations. Sylvie is often described as a catalytic shape-shifter because of her ability to meet people right where they are and move with them into new possibilities. Comments are closed.
ABOUT SDPSyzygy Dance Project (SDP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that transforms lives through dance movement. We offer regular dance classes to the public and outreach dance classes for inmates, veterans, recovering addicts, chronically ill patients, and the elderly. INQUIRIES