As the autumn equinox approaches this week in the Northern Hemisphere, we are entering a period of self-reflection, a time to prepare for the cooler, darker days ahead. The equinox is a time for equilibrium and balance. We can hold the light in one hand, the dark in the other, and bow to the greater mystery of life. We enter the longer nights with the warmth of the summer and the seeds we have planted in the spring, dancing with the falling leaves, harvesting the fruits of our creation, and embodying the mystery of this season. Fully immerse yourself in the energy of the equinox with music that inspires you to move about in celebration of another season of life on this earth. I hope to have many dances with you this fall. Warmly, Sylvie P.S. Save the Date: I'm facilitating a pop-up Dead of the Dead Dance 5Rythms class on Wednesday, Nov.1, 2023. More details to follow on our upcoming events page on this website. Comments are closed.
ABOUT SDPSyzygy Dance Project (SDP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that transforms lives through dance movement. We offer regular dance classes to the public and outreach dance classes for inmates, veterans, recovering addicts, chronically ill patients, and the elderly. INQUIRIES