![]() August enters and exits with two supermoons. Full moons represent a time of illumination while the moon casts its shadows. It's a reminder to embrace the light and the dark within ourselves and acknowledge and honor all aspects of our humanity. Like the yin and yang symbol, where darkness and light merge seamlessly, this period marks a time of balance, urging us to find unity in our dual nature. In this dance of opposites, the full moons guide us to accept ourselves wholly. Let us align with the cosmic rhythm, celebrating the duality of our existence under the moon's shining presence. In our 5Rhythms practice, I love exploring the duality of movement—the right and left sides of the body, the light and heavy, the top and bottom. When dancing with these opposites, I play with the continuum, finding where balance is in my body. There isn't a right or wrong; there is only movement and change. Our Saturday Sweat Your Prayers will be on August 12 as we dance each second Saturday of the month. We hope you will join us. With love, Sylvie and the SDP Team The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, August 12 Sweat Your Prayers Registration Details *Register to join Saturday Sweat Your Prayers class here: https://www.syzygydanceproject.org/blog/sweat-your-prayers-in-august *If you are a recurring patron member of SDP, you do not have to register for this class. Still, you do need to email [email protected] if you plan to attend in person, as space is limited. Comments are closed.
ABOUT SDPSyzygy Dance Project (SDP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that transforms lives through dance movement. We offer regular dance classes to the public and outreach dance classes for inmates, veterans, recovering addicts, chronically ill patients, and the elderly. INQUIRIES