When the moon is full, it is as if the Great Spirit were upon the whole world. – Black Elk Ancient cultures and indigenous tribes perceived a link between the moon's glow and the nighttime cries of wolves in the winter forest. In some Native American cultures, the howling of wolves during the January “Wolf” full moon was interpreted as a way for the wolves to communicate with the spirit world. It was believed that the wolves' howls were a means of seeking guidance or expressing their connection to the unseen forces. According to Dr. Jonathan Dubois, the Wolf Moon radiates transformational power. By looking inward, embracing our authentic selves, and connecting with those closest to us, we can experience opportunities for self-acceptance and growth. For humans, the physical act of dancing can serve as a form of prayer or meditation, allowing us to communicate with unseen forces through our body's movements. In our February Shapeshifter 3-day workshop, we will embody the wisdom of the natural world, the animals, and the plants around us. This workshop weaves the 5Rhythms, the four directions, and the sacred ceremony to evolve and heal. With love, Sylvie and the SDP Team Sylvie Minot's February Shapeshifter 3-day Workshop Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday afternoon, February 16 - 18, 2024 ABOUT SYLVIE MINOTSylvie Minot received her BA in Dance from San Jose State University and a Master's Degree in Theology in Spirituality and Holistic Health. She is a certified 5Rhythms® Teacher trained by 5Rhythms founder Gabrielle Roth and a Heartbeat teacher. Sylvie has studied psychology, indigenous healing rituals, energy medicine, and sound healing. The teachings of cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien, author Caroline Myss, and Peruvian sound healer Tito La Rosa inspire her. Since 2000, Sylvie has taught dance classes and workshops for various populations. Sylvie is often described as a catalytic shape-shifter because of her ability to meet people right where they are and move with them into new possibilities. Comments are closed.
ABOUT SDPSyzygy Dance Project (SDP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that transforms lives through dance movement. We offer regular dance classes to the public and outreach dance classes for inmates, veterans, recovering addicts, chronically ill patients, and the elderly. INQUIRIES